Guest Service The story go's, you only get one chance to make a first impression. You need to realize that every guest who sits in your restaurant evaluates service at your restaurant based on the level of guest service provided by each and every individual employee they encounter. Whether it's the person who answers the phone and can't give directions, you can't understant or it's the host who won't make eye contact with them and greets them simply by saying, "Two?", all of these will leave an impression on a guest. If your staff does a good job, you'll be lucky if the guest tells 2 people. BUT, if your staff does a bad job, studies have shown that an unhappy guest may tell as many as 10 to 12 friends about their dining experience, and they'll tell ten people, AND THEY'LL TELL TEN PEOPLE, and so on, and so on, and so on. Pretty soon, there won't be many guests walking through those doors! In today's competitive market, Guest Service Training is no longer optional. It's a requirement. So what can you do about it? Call, fax or email JOSHUA SYSTEMS today. We have created dozens of Guest Service programs for servers and we're ready to customize a program to your specific needs. So call to schedule a Guest Service Seminar at your restaurant....and turn the odds back in your favor. By the way, why "Guest?".. Your restaurant is your "House", you invite guest's not customers, to your house.